Thursday, July 17, 2008


Helen Mirren at 62 looking FIERCE. I can only dream of having a body like hers now.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Tree of kuchi

I have this, I guess it's a mug holder, on my dresser. I hang all my kuchi jewelry on it. I love this stuff. I want to accumulate the most jewelry that I can. I need to take an updated picture. I believe this is from last year.

P.S. I'm pretty sure nothing cost over $20.00. Score.
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Like a snake shedding it's skin, it's time to start anew.

I love the make-up and beauty blogs that are out there. I wanted to start my own. But why be another drop of water in the ocean? Let the lovely ladies who are awesome bloggers keep doing what they are doing and I will do something else. I'll be varied. I'll include jewelry and music and dance. I'll share my dreams of becoming an expat. I'll ask for advice (maybe give it). Meh. It's different. It's themed. It's not everyday griping.

Good. Let's start over.