Wednesday, October 22, 2008

.. Of Love

So the new VH1 show Real Chance of Love is on. It's horrible. Seriously, white girls need to learn how to deal with a confrontation with a black girl. If a black girl has a tude with you, back up and walk away. If you suspect she is talking about you, she is. Let is slide or you will have your hair pulled. It's just a fact. But good television it does not make.

In other news, a car fucking hit an electrical pole and knocked it the fuck over. It knocked out the power for about two hours and I STILL HAD TO WORK. UUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Next time you take out a power line, make it good. A lot of people don't want to work. And speaking of not working, two people were fired yesterday. As an example. The company is cracking down on attendance and other bullshit. Oooo I'm scared. *rolls eyes* You know if you are in an "hiring freeze" it might be best to not fire people. Maybe. Whatever. They only really fire those that hate the job so I can't blame them. They're free. FREE!!!!!

Now playing: Bezerker
via FoxyTunes

Monday, October 20, 2008

Re: Warlock/Hexblade.."Grey Zone" ???

Do you like my classy ms paint header? I don't think Theda approves. Mmm. More tweaking.

ETA: Theda approves!

Now playing: Afrika Bambaataa - Zulu War Chant
via FoxyTunes

Find the theme.

Last week, Paul and I stayed up late and watched Zeitgeist: The Movie. It's a free download about, basically, how the government is using religion to fuck us over. NO WAY! It's worth the download because you do learn somethings. For example, I had no idea World Trade Center building 7 collapsed. I didn't even know that building existed. If you got two hours to kill and would love to know which other gods share the same story as Jesus, watch it but take everything with a grain of salt.

Friday night, Paul and I had a date. We went to Santa Fe. Ate dinner at Dara Thai. The food was good but their thai tea was very watery. -1. But they have a sweet kitty who hangs out in the back. +10. After dinner, we drove around trying to find the theater where we saw Religulous. Yeah, it's worth seeing because it's fucking hilarious.

Did you notice the theme?
If you guessed tacos, you are correct!

Mmmm poopstache.

NSFW: Worst of Playgirl. You know you want to click.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Don't forget to wash your sheets. And your penis.

Ideas are being tossed around. I know what direction I want to go in. This is good. Details when there is a definition of the direction.

Now playing: International Velvet - Baby Shiva
via FoxyTunes

September 25th 2008

Paul amuses himself in the airport.
Mom amuses herself in the airport.
I just wanna get out of Albuquerque.
R. Lee Emery( most famously known as Gny. Sgt. Hartman in Full Metal Jacket) was hanging out in the airport. Paul scoured an autograph for his friend's daughter.

We soon board our plane for Phoenix, land. Then board another plane destined to Oahu, Hawaii. Six hours later, we land.
And pee.

We gather our bags, call our shuttle and head to the condo. That's the view of Diamond Head from our 12th story room. It's pretty sweet.

Sup birds.
More of 9/25/08 soon.
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