Monday, October 20, 2008

Find the theme.

Last week, Paul and I stayed up late and watched Zeitgeist: The Movie. It's a free download about, basically, how the government is using religion to fuck us over. NO WAY! It's worth the download because you do learn somethings. For example, I had no idea World Trade Center building 7 collapsed. I didn't even know that building existed. If you got two hours to kill and would love to know which other gods share the same story as Jesus, watch it but take everything with a grain of salt.

Friday night, Paul and I had a date. We went to Santa Fe. Ate dinner at Dara Thai. The food was good but their thai tea was very watery. -1. But they have a sweet kitty who hangs out in the back. +10. After dinner, we drove around trying to find the theater where we saw Religulous. Yeah, it's worth seeing because it's fucking hilarious.

Did you notice the theme?
If you guessed tacos, you are correct!

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