Monday, December 1, 2008

Epic Falls

I'm a sadist. I loved watching America's Funniest Home Videos when I was little. I still watch it today. I love laughing till it hurt watching a nice compilation of people getting hit in the head and/or genitals. But the best part was the falls. It was like icing on the cake. As soon as gravity takes a hold of that person and their body hits the ground, I have a natural gut reaction to laugh until it hurts. And I keep on laughing some more.
So I bring you my favorite videos of people falling over. I hope you laugh until it hurts.

Stewie vs. Grapes
What really gets me is the way he moans.

The classic. The original. The inspiration for the Family Guy clip.

Fat Kid Street Fighter. Poor Edgar.

Oh good LORD!

The best for last.
I was going to post the full version of the now infamous "Scarlett takes a Tumble". But Purplebunny aka Scarlett removed the video. So here's the short and sweet version.

I can't believe there are reaction videos. Here's one from B.Scott. He provides the full build up and AWESOME release.

I hope you enjoyed.

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